See what Owners and Patients are saying about the Lumix Laser
Lumix Owners
“The Lumix 250 has changed so many lives in my office…we haven’t found any pain syndrome yet that can resist it.”

“Lumix results are most miraculous! Immediate results have been attained with plantar fasciitis and TMJ pain.”

“In my 20+ years of practicing full remit of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopaedics…I am extremely impressed by the clinical results I obtain using the Lumix laser.”

"Treatment results have been magical for family, friends and patients over the years. I have come to expect these daily results as 'normal response.' We accomplish healing without pain, drugs, or surgery in every aspect of my own life and my dental/medical practice.“

“Your laser is amazing! My protocol works with your lasers at a speed of light.”

“Lumix lasers are unmatched for clinical effectiveness, reliability, and simplicity of use.”

“I recently treated a patient with a severe case of Aphthous Stomatitis with extensive ulcers. I used the Lumix for about 20 minutes. Immediately, his pain level decreased significantly and his energy level and spirits were much improved. The following week he presented with no complaints, indicating that his ulcers had dissipated the day after treatment.”

“It is not surprising when a patient leaves the clinic with a pain reduction of 80% or better and sometimes even 100% when Lumix lasers are used in conjunction with other procedures.”

“A patient with diabetic neuropathy for 7 years could not believe he could actually feel his feet touch the ground for the first time in years after treatment with the Lumix laser.”

“The Lumix has been an invaluable tool in helping me treat neuropathy. No single device has provided a greater impact on my practice in regard to patient outcomes and returns.”

"I have worked with other Class IV lasers in the past, but I decided to purchase the Lumix laser because of Dr. Nelson Marquina’s commitment to excellence and research.
So far, I have gotten excellent results treating degenerated knees and spines and healed a partially-torn ligament for a young man entering the military."

"Buying a Lumix laser was by far the best decision I made while in practice. I am able to treat a broader range of conditions safely and effectively. Patients love it and after their remarkable results they are excited to refer others."

Lumix Patients
“The worst effect that “incurable” digestive neuropathy had on my life was not being able to hold my baby girl without abdominal pain. All that changed when I was treated with the Lumix laser. After twelve 15-minute treatments, the nausea was gone and my blood-sugar levels stabilized. The Lumix laser changed my life. For the first time in her 2 years of life, I held my little girl without pain. It was a day
Gastroparesis patient
“I am 33 years old, diagnosed with RSD of my right arm and shoulder. I have [seen] several types of specialists with no lasting effect on either the pain or the numbness I have endured for years. My hand had some feeling to it, was always cold; my fingertips have been completely numb for about eight years. Recently I started treatments with a Dr. who suggested laser treatment. With my first treatment I could feel a warm tingling sensation at my fingertips. After my third treatment my hand had a “pins and needles” feeling especially in my thumb and index finger. I have now had five treatments (two treatments a week) and I actually have feeling in my fingertips. My hand in general has a lot more feeling and it is not feeling “cold” as it always did in the past.”
Post-injury neuropathy patient
“I had persistent swelling since surgery 8 months ago. The swelling was visibly reduced after my first treatment!”
Athlete with post-surgical swelling
“After my 1st treatment, my knee flexion went from about 35º to 90º; after my 2nd treatment, I touched my butt with my foot!”
Athlete with knee joint damage
“My podiatrist convinced me to try laser treatment. I could not believe the improvement. I could actually feel my feet touch the ground which I couldn’t feel in years, after the first treatment.”
Diabetic peripheral neuropathy patient
“I had the privilege of being treated with Lumix laser and with just one treatment my back feels significantly better.”
Acute back pain, cancer patient
“I have had knee pain since my ACL injury a year ago -- my physical therapist and surgeon couldn't address my pain. After my first treatment with the Lumix laser I actually felt different [better] while simply walking. I nearly broke down in tears after walking back to my car. I've been dealing with this pain for a while.”
Athlete with chronic pain from ACL injury
"For 6 months I had stifling pain from injuring my knee. After one treatment, I do not feel the pain, my range of motion instantly increased, the swelling disappeared."